Sunday, November 2, 2008

Inquiry reflection #2 (as part of CFF class)

What I am curious about:
My curiosities range from aspects of health and diet to environmental issues, and different ways to do just about anything including using multimedia tools in class.

How do you model inquisitiveness?
I model inquisitiveness by asking questions out loud and even theorize possible solutions or searching for the answers. Students think it odd, but it is important for them to hear the process. I also discuss what has gone wrong with a lesson (example: my monocot/dicot assignment that just did not work right.)

How do you incorporate student questions?
I use KWL charts or initial student questions to help drive instruction. When students are questioning, it is important that they be guided through the use of additional questioning. I used student questioning recently in providing a demo of yeast. Students created low and medium level questioning to help them understand the experiment and the characteristics of life being demonstrated by the yeast.

How is this mirrored in the real world?
Professionals are continuously using inquiry to determine new ways or strategies to solve a problem (new surgical techniques, variations in a law, use of building materials, etc.) This is not a static process, but one that requires questioning, research, discussion, testing, etc. It models real world when information and opinions are researched and shared between collaborating professionals.

How can I deepen learning?
This has been a process. Though I have been consistent in using technology the last few years, my plan for a class to learn the structure and function of organisms in a particular phyla or class will increase participatory use. Students are assigned a group of organisms. Through asking questions, working collaboratively, receiving guiding questions, the students will first determine the phyla or class of the organisms as well as determining background information. Students will then search for information needed, critically think through the importance and relevance, but will need to ask what is important and how best can I present the information using a podcast format. Podcasts will be displayed on the wiki. Students later will design their own animal using Scratch and will have to determine what they want the organism to do and how they will portray it. Students will use another's organism and will classify it using information from the created podcasts.

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