Sunday, July 12, 2009


Imagine...if every teacher led by becoming a learner.
Imagine...if we all took responsibility and did the best we have with what we are given.
Imagine...if we focused on being the best and serving every student.
Imagine...if we inspired others to do their best.
Imagine....if we did something different instead of the same thing. What could we achieve?

@Teachpaperless had a wonderful post:
"If you keep doing what you’ve always done… you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got!"
If there is one thing I would encourage in education, it's not technology for technology's sake. It's not content for content's sake. It's certainly not more testing. It's autonomy. Autonomy for all teachers, public or private. And with that autonomy should come responsibilities. Responsibilities to the students. Because effective teachers aren't teachers who make test scores go up; they are teachers who raise their students up.

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