Monday, April 28, 2008 will all be there!

Jeff Utecht writes in "Back from Digital Darkness 2008", what he was able to accomplish while turning everything off. I did not make that pledge (and really should) but did diminish my time this weekend on anything electronic (nice weather and big landscaping projects). I will commit though this summer when we are traveling and that will make my family very happy.

One part of what he writes, caught my attention:
What I have come to understand is the web waits for you. It will hold the information for you until you are ready to learn it, ready to use it. It waits, patiently, always on, always gathering, categorizing and remembering. I can take a week off because the web doesn’t.
What a fantastic resource the web is and being able to mine it, ferret out the information, and use it for what we want is a wonderful skill. I have found that old information is valuable and comparing old to new, pro vs. con wonderful skills for both me and for my students.

If all the past information on blogging and collaboration were not already archived and available to me, I would never have become an early adopter here at my school (even though I feel a little late to the party in the edublogger world).

Now to be brave and completely unplug just to reconnect with my family on other things great - like nature! This is my goal this summer!

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