Friday, July 4, 2008

Leadership Day 2008

Scott McLeod at Dangerously Irrelevant has a call out to all bloggers to write about leadership on this day.

As I think about last year, I was given a lot of leeway in tools that I used or projects that I created. However, policy can change quickly. If I could tell administrators in my district a few things as they are making decisions...
  1. Not only attend conferences, but sit in on the cutting edge sessions or the sessions that really make you pause and think. Not the ones that talk about using tools - we can really figure out how to do them on our own. We really need to know where we are headed.
  2. While we are talking conferences, make Educon the one you must go to. Not only will you hear from great people, but Science Leadership Academy is one great place to learn.
  3. Create a sharing environment at school. Flex days that promote sharing in and between departments that focus on a change in pedagogy and tech tools that allow that to happen easier.
  4. Remember it is not the tools, it is the shift in pedagogy. Don't worry about what class or what grade is using a certain tool. We have a capability for so much more.
  5. Continue the support of teachers but especially to teachers who are risk-takers. My district is great about support. They have diffused many a situation. With rapid changes though, I can see how that can be challenging.
  6. Understand that there are many experts (and quite a few at all levels) and we need to rely on all of them. We can't know everything ourselves.
  7. Ask questions before you hire - not about what technology you have used, but what inspiring, innovative things have you done?
  8. I was able to get students to buy into what we did in class by making them a part of the conversation. We need more conversations and coming together for some goals that can truly transform the education we provide.
  9. We are not going to please everyone. If you have a vision, goals, and good design, most will see what you are trying to accomplish.
  10. It is tough to see all the changes happening from our small corner of the world. We need to be progressive.
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  1. Louise, this is a great list! I like your focus on pedagogy and not the tools. My favourite point on your list is providing flex days to promote sharing within and between departments.

  2. Claire,

    The flex days would be great. it is time to get back to what we should be doing: being learners and sharing what we know. I think last year I was very tool centric, but now am reigning back into what makes sense and how to leverage what we use and know. I wonder if any other district has been aggressive in the use of their flex days for learning?

  3. The day will focus on leadership in constant change on an international level. The event is planned and brought to students by students. Our ambition is to inspire and motivate people to lead by bringing them, well known speakers and leaders.

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